Extra Scenes and Snippets Inspired by the Cantos Chronicles


A Letter from Abby


In the Wait: Abby

An Extra Scene

Please note: This scene occurs AFTER Swimming Sideways, so there are SPOILERS.


In the Wait: Carter

An Extra Scene

Please note: This scene occurs AFTER Swimming Sideways, so there are SPOILERS.


New and Deleted Scenes


New and Deleted Scenes



In the Wait: Gabe

An Extra Scene

Please note: This scene occurs AFTER Swimming Sideways & is included in The Bones of Who We Are.


In the Wait: Matt

An Extra Scene

Please note: This scene occurs AFTER Swimming Sideways, so there are SPOILERS.


New And Deleted Scenes

A letter from Gabe


In the Wait: Sara

An Extra Scene

Please note: This scene occurs AFTER Swimming Sideways. It contains Spoilers.


In the Wait: Jack

An Extra Scene

Please note: This scene occurs AFTER Swimming Sideways, so there are SPOILERS.


New and Deleted Scenes